
For Jonathan and Lynn
Choreography:  © Sharon Green, July 2011
Tune:Drifting on the Dreamy Juniata, © Jonathan Jensen, 2011
Recording:Jon Berger, Jonathan Jensen, Shira Kammen & Rebecca King,
Dances from the Greenery
MP3 by Jonathan
Formation:Duple minor longways

A11-21st Man, set to the women.
 3-4Those 3 circle L until 1st Man is in 2nd Woman's place
  (1st Man releases partner's hand)
 5-81st Man, lead the women around 2nd Man, ending in 2nd Woman's place
  (Men are now below the women)
A21-22nd Man, set to the women.
 3-4Those 3 circle L until 2nd Man is in 1st Woman's place
  (2nd Man releases 1st Woman's hand)
 5-82nd Man leads the women around 1st Man, ending in 1st Woman's place
  (All are progressed, improper)
B1-2Facing partner, all balance back (2 single steps)
 3-4All turn single moving forward, into
 5-8Partners, back to back
C1-4Partners, ½ poussette clockwise, 1st Man and 2nd Woman moving forward to start (All are home, improper)
 5-8Partners,½ draw poussette clockwise, 1st Man and 2nd Woman drawing to start (All are now progressed and proper)
 9-12Partners, gypsy R-shoulder once round
Note: The lead-around figure in the A part of the dance requires a strong, connected lead so that all three dancers arrive in place poised and ready for the next move; it may feel brisk. The poussettes in the C part of the dance, however, are far more leisurely ("drifting," "dreamy"). In particular, dancers need to use all the music for their expansive ½ draw poussette.