The Mistress of the Greenery
To Sharon Green, with love from her friends Dave Marcus and Colin Hume.
A: | 1-4 | (6 beats to the bar): Ones cast to the bottom (6 steps), Hole in the Wall cross (6 steps); circle left half-way at the bottom (6 steps), releasing hands and turning individually left to circle right half-way at the top (6 steps). |
| 5-8 | Threes cast up to the top, Hole in the Wall cross; circle left half-way at the top, releasing hands and turning individually left to circle right half-way at bottom (Home). |
B1 | 1-4 | (4 beats to the bar): Ones lead down the set, the others move up the outside and follow them, then cast up to place (16 steps). |
| 5-8 | Ones lead down into a mirror hey (16 steps). |
B2 | 1-4 | Ones through the twos: handy-hand turn 1½ to change places (8 steps); threes through the ones: same. |
| 5-8 | Lines of three fall back (4 steps), lead forward (4 steps); all two-hand turn partner (8 steps). |
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| | Progressed position is 2 3 1. Repeat the dance twice more. |
This is the version suitable for an evening dance. A workshop version is also available!